Steps involved in the client due diligence process
As part of the client due dilligence process, your notary has invited you to provide certain information using Paolo KYC.
You have received an email by Paolo KYC. In the email you will find a link to the digital environment of Paolo KYC.
Upon clicking the link, you will be directed to login page of the Paolo KYC digital environment. To login to Paolo KYC you will receive a secret code in your email inbox. The secret code can be used to login to Paolo KYC.
When you are logged in to Paolo KYC, you will be asked a series of questions that require your input. In case you need assistence, please contact your notary
Carefully check your input and hit the submit button.
After you have submitted your input, your work is done! The notary will continue the client due diligence process. Provided that no more information is needed from your side, you are all good to go and the notary will continue to provide the requested services